Wednesday, February 25, 2009

DAS KINK : From Zurich with love...


(Part 1)

The Zurich I left behind was grey and cold. Montreux was milder. I felt calmer and relaxed as I drove up to the Le Montreux Palace Hotel, ready to meet George, a client I’d known for a while.

The hotel’s Belle Époque architecture had an old world charm. I liked it.

A hotel doorman stepped smartly up to my car and opened the door for me. I swung my legs out, the side slit in my knee length pencil blue suit skirt opening. If the doorman thought he was going to gaze upon my Cervin stockings, he was mistaken.

“You can get my bag from the boot,” I said. I had put my hair up into a tight bun, and made my eyes up with heavy mascara and plenty of dark eye shadow. The doorman would have known that I meant business.

I stood up, straightened my starched white blouse, buttoned my close fitting jacket and lifted a big Dolce & Gabbana handbag from the car.

“Have my case brought up to my room in precisely two hours,” I said, handing the doorman my car keys.

I headed upstairs to the adjoining rooms George had booked. I knocked on his door.

“Ah! Teacher!” The voice was George’s. Our game had begun.

How the story continues? You will find the rest of the adventure in the members area. Become a member at Dea Donatella!



Sunday, February 15, 2009

DARK RUBBER RABBITs TV - Channel #29 - 7 x 24 Hours of Rubberized Britney Spears!


CHANNEL - 7 x 24 Hours

Only @ Rubberdom's Dark Rubber Rabbit TV

"...okay stop your groans!..."

Saturday, February 14, 2009

The rubberdoms with Susan Wayland!

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Sunday, February 08, 2009

Rubberdom now supports Twitter!


on Rubber

You will see LIVE mobile phone updates from Rubberdoll, Ancilla Titlla and Us on this WEB BLOG page off to the right.